Monday, May 18, 2015

June Featured poet Clarence Bess

Please join us as we close out our season with Brooklyn poet and subway chronicler Clarence Bess.

Clarence began writing as a means of escape, his writing blossomed beautifully into vivid, visceral, and compelling poetry. Clarence refers to his style as "open air" poetry. He cites that we all breath, it comes as natural as anything we must do to survive. As air, his poems are light, yet complex in their makeup. Clarence aims to bridge the gap between poetry for poets, and poetry for the everyman. 

Clarence has authored "Actuality Askew", "N Vers 1 Quarrels with Myself", "N Vers 2 Sincerely Chris", and "N Vers 3 Songs my Father Forgot to Tell Me". Please join us for a night of riveting poetry. Read with us, or just come down and enjoy.

We hope to have a musical interlude and then the open mic.

And don't forget everything is 15% off after the reading

Hope to see you there,


Date: Wednesday, June 10
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Boulevard Books & Cafe
7518 13th Ave (btw Bay Ridge Parkway & 76th St)
Brooklyn, NY 11228

Monday, May 4, 2015

May Featured Poet: Evie Ivy - May 13

We are happy to announce Evie Ivy as our May featured poet.

Evie Ivy, dancer/instructor in the NYC poetry circuit. She hosts the Green Pavilion Poetry Event
on the last Wed. of the month. She has 3 chapbooks out and a book, "The First Woman Who Danced"
which includes most of her poems based on her experiences as a dancer. Her work appears
in several websites including Levure litteraire, Versewrights, Brooklyn Borough President's website-
"Poetic Brooklynites," Newspaper Tree El Paso, among others. Her book "Living in 12-Tone . . .
and other poetic forms" will be out soon.

As usual, following Evie will have a musical interlude and then the open mic. 

And don't forget, everything is 15% off after the reading! 

So put a poem in your pocket and come read with us.

Hope to see you there,


When: Wednesday, May 13
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (starting and ending promptly)

Where: Boulevard Books & Cafe
7518 13th Ave (btwn Bay Ridge Parkway & 76th St)
Brooklyn, NY 11228